張漢寧 理事長
曾俊儒 副理事長
黃天佑 副理事長
楊宙航 常務理事
江潤華 理事
陳彥廷 理事
蘇巧純 理事
張家誠 理事
韓世國 理事
許向罕 理事
林鑫保 理事
蕭明瑜 理事
陳振甫 常務監事
謝明憲 監事
詹家豪 監事
陳俊智 監事
【CIDA stands with the world and solemnly calls for the cessation of aggression by force and the protection of the values of peace】
Since February 24, 2022, the armed conflicts in Ukraine have not ceased thus far. CIDA would like to extend its deepest condolences to those who have lost their precious lives in such turmoil. May the injured recover and the deceased rest in peace.
CIDA here strongly calls for the cessation of armed intervention and aggression between countries.
The peace that the world enjoys today represents a common treasure of humanity. It is sincerely hoped that the international community addresses problems through communication and that countries worldwide can join hands to uphold the values that the world holds dear in order to build a brighter future together.
Based on this intention from the outset, CIDA has always been committed to its mission of “Design Power for Social Benefits.” CIDA hopes that design thinking and social design can be used to facilitate world peace and dialogue, to resolve conflicts and soothe pain, to establish closer international cooperation and exchange, and to promote design power to contribute the power of goodness to the world.
【From the CIDA Board of Directors】
Jimmy Chang, Chairman
Kevin C. Tseng, Vice Chairman
William Huang, Vice Chairman
Michael Yang, Executive Board Director
Zun-Hwa Chiang, Board Member
Yan-Ting Chen, Board Member
Chiao-Chun Su, Board Member
Bryson J. Chang, Board Member
Lance Han, Board Member
Hsiang-Han Hsu, Board Member
Oliver Lin, Board Member
Ming-Yu Hsiao, Board Member
Chad Liu, Board Member
Daniel Chen, Board Standing Supervisor
Max Hsieh, Board Supervisor
Sammy Chan, Board Supervisor
Chun-Chih Chen, Board Supervisor